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Crashzone accounting – export data

Crashzone - accounting data export

How to export your invoices and job data from Crashzone

* Click on the settings link to access the settings page
* Scroll down to the backup section in the settings page
* Enter the  quote range for the export ( quote number “From” “To” )
* Click on “CSV” to generate the file
* You will receive an email  with a link to download
* Download  the file from your email
* Extract the ZIP file to your computer

Crashzone CSV data export

* Once extracted you will have 2 new files detail.csv and Invoic.csv

Crashzone CSV files

1/ Detail.csv is a list of all the data from your Crashzone system for the quote range selected

2/ Invoice.csv is a list of all invoices in the quote range selected

Crashzone invoice report example ( data export function )

For more information or help with exporting your data please contact

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