Select Reporting Period

Benchmarking is designed to be used as a tool, to measure and compare your business against the industry standard. Fill in each field and press submit to see how your business preforms. This program was designed by Russ Hill Ph: 0414787735 and built by

Productive Staff

Number of Panel Technicians
Number of Paint Technicians

Non Productive (Support) Staff

Number of Estimators
Number of Receptionists (Support Staff)
Number of Detailers
Number or Managers/Book keepers
Total Support Staff
Total Sales
Total Panel Labour Sales
Total Paint Labour Sales
Total Parts Sales
Total Parts Costs
Total Panel Techinicians Wages
Total Paint Techinicians Wages
Total Support Staff Wages
Total Rent Costs
Total Liquid Paint Costs
Number of vehicles invoiced
Due to level of expertise. Apprentice 1st year = 0.25, 2nd year = 0.5, 3rd year = 0.75, Tradesman = 1.0
Support Staffing consists of (Detailers, Estimators, Parts and Production Managers if non productive, office staff, receptionists) Tow truck drivers can be considered if they are paid through the bodyshop business?
This Financial Data should be for a recorded time period such as e.g. 1 full month, 3 full months, 6 full months, 1 financial year. 3 month period recommended for best results

If you have questions or concerns we recommend you see advice.